Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fear of Nothing.

Fear of Nothing.

Fear of Nothing

The fair and straight way will always win.
If You never create problems for somebody else it will be only good for You
We have nothing to fear, and there will always be an angel watching on us.
Many people will respect and trust in You and stand behind Your decisions.
And know Your inner person when they talk to you.
Your speak from Your heart and it will only bring more respect for the future.
The truth is hard and is something many people do not want to hear, but it can tell them exactly where they are and not to be fooled.
And not deceived with nice sounding words, and respect the truth with the spoken word.
It can be wrong sometimes but it will always prevail in the long term.
Never need to think about what they says, because they have the same story to every one.
Give them the rest and energy which they can use for new developments.
Know where they stand and also to avoid when the danger come.
Every difference of opinion on a fair basis, there will always be a correct and positive solution.
Can stand as a rock in the wave with their    judgment and actions.
Stay positive in life and also can look positively into problems.
Nothing can stop them to go for another position.
Have one word, one face and a progressive institution.
Not let themselves be influenced by threatening attitudes from others, to give Yourself an unfair life.
Do not be influenced and know who You are and stand for Your capabilities and limits.
Do not fall into the black hole and create new challenges for Yourself.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

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